Saturday, January 13, 2007

Chapter thirteen: A suburban wonderland

Daniel started covering ground fast. He didn’t want to stay close to the school and risk getting caught. As soon as they found out that he was gone they would start looking for him. They probably wouldn’t call the police until sometime tomorrow because this isn’t the first time he had staged a disappearing act. This time it would be a little bit different in that there wouldn’t be a reappearing act with this one.

The hills gave way to woods and eventually the woods would give way to scattered property, which were situated on the out skirts of town. As soon as he reached some of the main suburbs he would be able to make it to a bus, which would take him into town and than eventually to the other side of town where he would have to start hitchhiking his way to Cantaloupe county. No Grey Hound bus station in these towns. It was a shame. Daniel probably would have been found faster because that would be where they suspected he be at.

The forest was littered with debris and there were few open places. Most of the time Daniel had to crash through shrubs, bushes and vines, which got snagged on his pack. In other places though the woods seemed to open up and the ground would be open. This made the trip through the forest both nice and dreadful at the same time. Sugar into crap as he had heard it been called one time by Mr. Robinson.

I got to keep moving, Daniel told himself. I have to keep moving just keep moving.

After a few hours he began to spot people’s houses and fenced off back yards. He decided it was probably best to avoid them because he didn’t want to risk being spotted and be reported to the police or possibly worse have someone’s killer dog come after him.

A few hours more after crossing a scenic interstate. You’ve seen the ones. Cracked dusty roads leading through farms. The once main thoroughfares of the united states, before major highways were built. These roads are still maintained but most remained cracked and torn in sore need of major repair.

Just beyond the road and through a corn field lay the first of many subdivisions that make up the suburban sprawl, which surrounds many cities. That are all the same. Brandon Oaks, Carriage Park, Biltmore Estates, Brooks Manor, Dustin Grove. They all have the same boring names, with street names named after the developers wives and girl friends. Lucy Blvd, Carry Circle, Brenda Rd., and of course Cindy Parkway. All the houses are the same. Four models interspersed along a huge piece of land. The more inexpensive houses are always in the beginning of these developments. As you move deeper into the developments the larger more expensive houses are placed. Intentionally or unintentionally separating people into different class groups. Besides why would someone in a five bedroom four bathroom house want to live next to a young couple in a two bedroom home who work blue collar jobs.

Daniel hadn’t walked through one of these housing developments before. He was just going north toward the city and than hoped to shoot west across to his destination. Daniel chose to walk along the sidewalk which stretched the length of the subdivision. Small Bradford trees lined each side of the street. They were small maybe a year old and offered little shade or relief from the sun.

As Daniel walked along the side walk he saw couples walking and running together. People ran with their dogs while listening to music players. Down side streets he saw children not unlike himself riding bikes in the street and playing games.

Daniel started to wonder what it would have been like if nothing had happened to his parents. What if he lived in a place like this? Would he get good grades and study hard and be a member of the football team? Would he have a girl friend?

Daniel tried to push these thoughts from his head but it was hard when he seemed surrounded by people who had families, homes and seemed to be happy.

Daniel wasn’t paying attention and when he looked up he saw two kids about his own age stopped on the sidewalk and starring at him.

They were both blond and about his height. They wore designer jeans and nice shirts with shoes that looked like they could probably just a month old. They had nice leather belts and watches that glimmered in the evening sun. Daniel had on an old pear of sneakers, faded jeans and an old AC/DC shirt that he had found in the lost and found at the orphanage. He didn’t have a watch. He had never had one. He had never really needed one. Good thing since he never had the money for one.

“You new around here?” the suburb kid said.

Daniel just kept on walking and answered no.

The two kids began to follow him and asking him more questions.
“Do you live here?,” said the other.

“No,” Daniel replied.

“Then you are new around here?” said the first again.
“No, I’m just passing through,” said Daniel.

“Passing though?” said the other confused.

“Yeah, I live in the area but not here and I’m passing through,” said Daniel.

“What are you doing with the back pack full of stuff,” said the first. “What’s in it?”

“None of your business,” Daniel said.

It’s not that Daniel wanted to be mean to these kids but to him it seemed like they had everything and it was all just given to them. He despised them even though he had just met them and he wanted them to leave him alone.

“Hey why don’t you just leave me alone o.k.,” said Daniel.

The two kids stopped walking with him.

“Fine man whatever,” said the second kid. “You don’t have to be an asshole.”

Daniel ignored the comment and just kept walking. The sun was to the left of him and it kept dipping lower and lower as he had been walking. Luckily it wasn’t winter or it would have been dark already. Just a couple more hours of day light.

In the distance, Daniel saw more trees past the end of the subdivision. He decided he would be able to find a place to camp out there to spend the night before he headed into town. Maybe he could hitch a ride early in the morning to the edge of town before he started making his way west.

The sun sank lower as he walked. The trees cast long skinny shadows across the street and onto the sidewalk. Daniel was tired and his feet started to hurt but he knew he just had to make it to the tree line. He was also getting tired and became glad he had packed a few tins of tuna and stuff he had swiped from the cafeteria a few days earlier.

I’m really doing it, Daniel thought to himself and then looked to his left to see the sun make the sky burst into a sea of reds, oranges and purples. Today was a good day.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Chapter twelve: Grab the papers and dash

Breaking into Mr. Hedges office and getting the papers was easier than he thought. Still with most of the keys to the school, Daniel was able to break into the office and search through the ten file cabinets that lined the one side of his office. The dark olive green of the drawers reflected his flashlight back at him as he searched for the right drawer.

Daniel wanted to make this quick and his fingers flipped through the plain manila folders quickly.

There sure are a lot of people with the last name smith in this school, Daniel thought to himself.

He than suddenly remembered that his folder would be the last one of that series. He pulled the drawer out as far as it could go and than started scanning from the back but he couldn’t find his name.

Damn where is it, Daniel thought frantically.

He didn’t want to stay in there all night tearing apart Mr. Hedges office. If he messed with to many things Mr. Hedges would be able to tell.

Daniel started to look through all the drawers. He looked behind the couches, flipped the cushions of the sofa that was in his office, and looked in the bookshelf that contained the dusty volumes of out of date educational materials and manuals. Daniel wanted to save Mr. Hedges desk for last. He didn’t want to go in there if he didn’t have to. Anything that might look out of place could make Mr. Hedges suspicious of something and he was the first person he would come looking for. Just messing with his folder could put Mr. Hedges on his guard.

Daniel didn’t want anything to look out of place. He wanted everything to go on like normal. He would go to school the next day and act like he wasn’t going to do anything at all. He was just going to act normal.

After searching the entire office Daniel then went to look in Mr. Hedges desk. He opened the center drawer and saw nothing but pens, paper and pencil shavings. He then opened the drawer on the right and to his amazement there was a manila folder about half an inch think sitting on top of a stack of books.

This is it, Daniel thought.

Daniel pulled the folder to his flashlight and printed on the corner tab was his name in faded blue ink. The papers were in the back of the folder. He took them out, carefully replaced the folder and than hid the documents under his shirt before leaving the office. As he left he gave it a quick look around to make sure nothing was out of the ordinary or anything that would give him away.

The last steps of his plan were falling in to place.

Daniel crept back to his room put the papers in his pack, checked to make sure everything was securely packed in his ruck sack and then fell fast asleep.

The next morning had a clear blue sky that shown a dark crisp blue. There was a slight breeze in the air and Daniel got up for his last day at the orphanage.

Daniel showered, brushed his teeth, ate breakfast and went to class.

During class he acted out as normal. He did what he normally did but just not enough to get detention or do anything to jeopardize himself from leaving. As the school day ended and most kids were hanging outside near the gym, Daniel snuck up to his room got his pack and dropped it down to the ground from the window in his room.

It would have looked to strange for him to go down to the yard carrying the large pack so he decided to drop it out of his window since it faced toward the hills away from where any of the other kids hung out. All he had to do was walk out like normal.

Daniel walked out of his room, made his way down to the lawn and walked though the small groups of kids who were either hanging out or playing games. No one noticed him. Nobody really cared.

As Daniel turned the corner of the building he saw Steve waiting for him by his pack..

“I hope you know what you are doing,” said Steve.

“Of course I know what I’m doing how can it be that hard,” answered Daniel. “Besides it can’t be any harder than some of the pranks I’ve pulled in the past.”

“No Daniel this is totally different and I hope you know that,” said Steve.

Daniel became serious.

“I know it’s different,” he said solemnly.

“Well here take this,” Steve said.

Steve pulled out a wad of bills and shoved it into Daniels hands.

“It’s mostly ones and stuff but it’s better than nothing,” Steve said.

“Thanks,” Daniel said.

“Well don’t cry on me or anything you big pussy,” Steve said. “You take it easy out there ok.”

“I will man,” Daniel replied. “You take care of yourself too.”

And with that, Daniel hiked the pack up high on his shoulders and started to head quickly out towards one of the hills.

Steve watched at Daniel made it to the base of the first hill, quickly climb up the slope and disappear of the top.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

I Suck

I have stuff written but I keep forgetting to take my thumb drive from home and load it up on the site. So I apologize for anyone who actually reads this thing.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Won't be posting

I'm on vacation and loving it so far. I won't be posting for about a week or so but I would like to get a couple of them in if I can get around to it. So I'm sorry if you just started reading this and now I am leaving you. Well check back in a few days and I may have something new.

So happy holidays including, Christmas, channaka, kwanza, festavis, islamaca, and of course the worship of our lord satan.....I mean santa.....or do I? hehehehe.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Chapter eleven : Library trip

While Daniel was busy digging his holes Steve had made his way to the city library taking a short twenty minute bus ride down town where the library was situated between two aging brick buildings. Fortunatly for Steve there was a large selection of books to read about Canteoupe county and its history.

Steve read up on the subject most of the day and not just because Daniel had asked him to but because he got wrapped up in the material. It was intriguing and after a little while Steve longed for the chance to go with Daniel but he already had goals for himself and would rather read about it than go gallivanting across the state.

Steve arrived back at the orphanage right when the sun was setting. He walked up to across the field to where Daniel was finishing the second hole.

The sun shone at their back and cast long shadows on the ground as Daniel shoveled out the last bit of dirt.

"So did you find anything?" asked Daniel."I found a lot," said Steve. "I’ve got it all written down in my note book. This Mr. Davidson was an interesting character. He…"

"You can tell me about it after I get a shower and change into some clean clothes," Daniel interrupted. "Why don’t you do to your room. I’ll meet you there after I tell Mr. Hedges that I’m done."

Steve went up to his room and Daniel checked in with Mr. Hedges. He didn’t have to check the holes because Daniel always finished his punishment. It was about the only think he could trust him to do.

With the little energy Daniel had left he ran to the showers, hosed off and then changed into some fresh clothes in his room. The shower made him feel better almost like a normal person.

"So what do you have for me?" Daniel asked as he walked into Steve’s room.

"Well I got a lot," said Steve. "I photo copied maps for you, wrote down some simple directions for you."

"Well what is the land like?" asked Daniel excitedly.

"Well it’s pretty heavily wooded," said Steve. "The property itself is 500 acres like you had said but the area around it is empty and heavily wooded as well. All you have to do is follow route 20 out of town going east for about forever and then go north on interstate 19 for 30 miles before you hit the property. From the maps I saw there is a little dirt road that runs somewhere. It’s pretty hilly but there is a pretty big stream that runs through it so you can probably find some fish."

"Well that’s good. I guess I’ll need to eat won’t I," said Daniel.

"I also found out a lot about this Mr. Davidson guy," said Steve.

"Like what? He’s just an old guy that died. What could be so special about him?" Daniel said.

"Well the thing is that no one in the town there knew how he got his money," said Steve. "People think he made moonshine or that he was a gangster but it seems that most believed that he had a gold mine. Apparently he would come into town once a month or so and get a whole bunch of food, tools and supplies of different kinds but he didn’t have any kind of job that anyone could see."

"If he had money and no one knew where he got it wouldn’t the government come snooping around wondering what he was doing?" asked Daniel.

"That is true but if he paid his taxes they wouldn’t really care as long as he wasn’t doing anything illegal. The thing is people did go snooping around his property looking for how he made his money but nobody ever found anything, or if they did they never told anybody how he did it."

"That’s really cool but I don’t really care," said Daniel. "I just want to get out of here."

"I just thought you would like to know," said Steve. "So what is the next step? There is only a few more days until you said you were going to leave."

"I know but I want to get that paperwork from Mr. Hedges," said Daniel. "If I hide out long enough when I’m eighteen I’m going to want to be able to prove that it’s mine."

"Good point," Steve said.

"Well what else do you think I should do?" asked Daniel.

"Well first of all you should probably do some reading on surviving in the wild. I don’t know I guess that might be a good," said Steve sarcastically.

"Well how am I supposed to do that smart ass?" asked Daniel.

"Well lucky for you there library actually has a pretty good selection it thanks to Mr. Roberts," answered Steve.

"Is the library still open?" asked Daniel.

"Nope it closed about I don’t know yesterday," said Steve.

"Why are you being such a dick?" asked Daniel.

"Because you made me miss my movie," Steve shot back.

"I said I’d make sure you see it didn’t I?" Daniel said.

"How are you going to do that?" Steve asked.

"Mr. Hedges said I could leave the orphanage for the day tomorrow," said Steve. "We’ll go to the movies together. I’ll even pay for it."

"How are you going to do that?" asked Steve.

"I’ve got a job you know. I can pay for it," said Daniel.

"Digging holes is not a job Daniel," said Steve.

"Shut up," Daniel said.

"So you’re going to pay for it?" Steve asked.

"Yeah I’m going to pay for it," said Daniel. "Now tell me about some of this camping stuff. You’re a boy scout so you should know some stuff."

For the rest of the night until it was late, Steve taught Daniel all about making a survival shelter, starting fires without matches, what plants are edible and how to make a more permanent dwelling if the situation requires it. Daniel listened carefully as Steve broke down the basics and shared with him what he knew.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Chapter ten: Punishment

It took a day for Daniel to finally get everything down from the ceilings in the school. It’s a very tedious job trying to use a scrapper to unstuck a couple hundred desks and chairs on top of a ladder. Luckily for him he was able to get all the desks down and only broke a few of them while he was doing it.

Digging the holes on the other hand took a while. Daniel was stripped down to his jeans and wore gloves but after a few hours of digging it felt like agony for his hands and back, but he had already told himself that he would pay the price and that it was all worth it for one last prank.

Luckily it wasn’t the first time that Daniel had done digging like this and his hands were tough and leathery from all the punishments he had had before.

Daniel zoned out while he was digging and he didn’t even notice the Mr. Hedges walk up behind him.

“You doing alright down there Daniel,” said Hedges. “You know if it wasn’t for you getting in trouble all the time I don’t think would have the half the things we have out here. For as much bad as you have done around here I guess you have done a lot of good as well.”

“I guess,” grunted Daniel.

“Well here is some water if you need some,” said Hedges.

He placed a big jug of water down at the edge of the hole. Daniel was a few feet down now and two thirds of the way done with the first hole.

“Thanks,” Daniel said.

He placed his shovel against one wall of dirt, grabbed the jug and took a long drink.

“It will get dark soon,” said Mr. Hedges. “I want you back in the building as soon as it does. This may be a punishment but I don’t want you hurting yourself out here.”

“I will,” said Daniel grabbing the shovel again.

Mr. Hedges walked away as Daniel started to dig again.

The hours ticked by as Daniel dug in a trance. He sunk the shovel deep in the soil time and time again until he had the wheelbarrow full and then he carted it off to the edge of the field where he dumped it out. Over and over in a continuous cycle.

Dusk came and took a break to watch the sun go down. It stained the sky purple, yellow and orange as it sank behind the distant mountains as it made everything cast their long shadows until they disappeared with the night cold.

Daniel climbed out of the hole tossed the shovel in the wheelbarrow and then took them over to the work shed. He was covered in sweat and dirt. He muscles ached as he walked to the shower to hose himself off. After his shower he walked back to his room and collapsed on his bed to tired even to crawl underneath the blankets.

The next morning was Saturday and Daniel crawled out of bed early and threw on a pair of old jeans, a plain white t-shirt and headed back down to the hole. He didn’t feel like breakfast. The food in his stomach would only make him feel bad under the hot sun.

It’s to early for a Saturday, Daniel thought as he made his way across the field with a his wheelbarrow and shovel.

Daniel’s thoughts then turned to Steve. He should have been leaving about then and taking the bus into the city. It was only about a twenty minute trip into the city and maybe twenty more to get to the library. Daniel decided it was best not to worry about it and just focus on his work.

Daniel had finished the first hole and after a few hours was getting a good start on the second one. His muscles still ached from the day before but he tried to ignore them and dig like he always did.

A few more hours passed and he saw Miss Williams walking across the field toward him this time she was in a pair of jeans, a plain brown blouse and was a brown bag in her hand. He waved to her and then watched as she walked closer to him. She knelt down at the edge of the hole and looked at the progress he had made so far.

“So what did you do this time?” Miss Williams asked.

“Nothing much same of the usual,” he answered.

“Well I’m glad you don’t pull these kinds of pranks in my classroom,” she said.

“Now what kind of person would I be if I did something like that?” said Daniel as he continued with his digging. “So what are you doing here on a Saturday anyway Miss Williams?”

“Well I wanted to get a head start on next week and you know I can’t get any work done at my place,” she said. “Besides I thought you could use some lunch.”

Miss Williams handed him the brown-paper bag.

“That’s awesome. What did you get me?” Daniel asked as he looked inside the bag.

“Nothing special just a ham and Swiss cheese sandwich, an apple and a Gatorade,” Miss Williams said.

“It doesn’t matter it’s still great,” Daniel said just before taking a bite of the sandwich.

“Daniel why do you always do things like this?” asked Miss Williams.

Daniel paused for a second while he finished chewing another bite thought about the question.

“I don’t know. They are just fun to do,” answered Daniel. “This place is to boring anyway. If I can’t leave than I might as well change the scenery that I am stuck with.”

“Well you could do something else to do that Daniel,” said Miss Williams.

“Yeah but they aren’t as much fun,” said Daniel. “I think this is going to be my last one though.”

“Finally growing out?” asked Miss Williams.

“No, I’ve just run out of ideas,” said Daniel.

“Oh,” Miss Williams said. “Well I better go get to work. I’ll stop by Mr. Hedges office and see if I can get him to lighten your punishment. He’s in his office isn’t he?”

“Don’t do that Miss Williams,” said Daniel. “I pay my dues. I don’t expect not to get punished for the things I do. Besides I already dug one hole I might as well dig the other hole.”

“Well I’m proud of you then,” said Miss Williams. “You want to finish what you start. That’s really good Daniel. Well you don’t forget to drink lots of water out here and rest when you need to.”

“I will besides it’s not that bad,” said Daniel.

“See you later Daniel,” She said as she started to walk toward the school building.

Daniel waved goodbye and then continued to eat his sandwich.

“I hope Steve is finding out something useful,” Daniel said allowed to himself as he started to dig again.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Chapter nine: The last prank

Now Daniel had pulled many pranks in his day but this was to be his final one at the orphanage and he wanted it to be special. Everyone needed to benefit from this.

It was night now and Daniel was awake in his bed staring at the ceiling while Frank snored in the bed next to him.

Maybe he would just duct tape Frank to his bed Daniel thought. No, that wouldn’t be big enough even though it would be enjoyable. This had to be on a grand scale it couldn’t be like anything he had ever done before. All he had to do now was think of something and then plan it out and go with it.

I could put LSD in the faculty coffee pot this time, Daniel thought. No that’s to extreme and possibly dangerous. I know I could let thousands of mice loose through the building. No, it would take to long to get that many mice and I don’t have that much money to buy them. It has to be something fun.

“I’ve got it,” said Daniel. “Now all I need is some glue.”

The next day during Daniel’s lunch period and tracked down the custodian who was sitting in his little office in the basement.

He was old and mostly bald with a few gray hairs that clung to the side of his head. He wore blue overalls and carried all the keys to the orphanage around with him on a little belt clip that jingled as he walked. He was in charge of almost all the maintenance of the orphanage and had just about anything you would need to fix anything down in his basement storerooms.

Daniel had stolen a skeleton key from him a few years back and the guy didn’t even notice and luckily no one had found it because he didn’t keep it in his room. No one would think to check behind the picture of the headmaster than hung in the hallway near his office.

“Excuse me,” said Daniel.

The custodian looked up from the wall clock he was working on and squinted at Daniel through his silver rimmed spectacles.

“Yeah, what do you want to you little trouble maker?” asked the custodian.

“Well it’s just that I was making this pot in art class and I accidentally broke it and I was wondering if you had any super glue or anything like that?” asked Daniel.

“Nope all I got is a few buckets of super adhesive industrial glue,” said the custodian motioning to a stack of three five gallon buckets. “You don’t want to use that stuff. If you weren’t careful you could glue your hand closed.”

“Ok well I was just wondering if you had some,” said Daniel shrugging. “I can just make another one.”

“Ok then. Now get out of here,” said the custodian looking back down at the clock.

Daniel had already discovered what he had already suspected. He would need some tough glue to pull off what he wanted to do and he would make sure to wear gloves if the stuff was that strong.

The next thing Daniel had to do was track down Steve. He found him in the cafeteria and sat down across from him.

“Hey I need you to meet me tonight outside of the headmaster’s office,” Daniel whispered to him.

“I thought you said I wasn’t going to be doing any of the work,” Daniel whispered back.

“Ok so I lied a little bit so what,” Daniel said. “What’s the worst that can happen? It’s not like they can kick you out of this place. Where would you go?”

“I don’t know about this,” Steve said as he played with his macaroni.

“Come on don’t be a little wuss you know you want to help me out,” Daniel taunted.

“Fine I’ll meet you tonight just lay off,” Steve said trying to ignore Daniel. “What are we doing anyway?”

“I told you. You’ll find out later,” Daniel said.

“I still have a bad feeling about this,” Steve said.

“You have to be more confident in yourself Steve,” Daniel said. “We’ll have some fun.”

The rest of the day passed without incident. Steve mostly ignored Daniel for the most part. He was still a little mad at him for pressuring him so much but he was anxious to find out what they were going to do that night.

The hours ticked by and finally it was night time around midnight to be exact and Steve was outside the headmaster’s office where he had agreed to meet Daniel.

What the hell is taking him so long, though Steve.

Steve had been waiting there for almost twenty minutes and he was starting to get worried. The halls were dark and cold and only a small bit of moon light shown through the few windows in the hallway.

Suddenly, Steve heard a faint clanking coming from down the hall. Steve froze in place. There was no where to hide in the hallway.

I’m going to get caught, Steve thought as he pressed himself against one of the walls in the darkness.

Beads of sweat started forming on his forehead as the clanking sound got closer and closer.

Damnit, damnit, damnit, damnit, Steve thought.

He stared intently into the blackness trying to make out a shape or something but he couldn’t see anything. All he saw was a dark scary hallway. All of a sudden he thought he saw the outline of a person. It seemed to be moving slow but it was moving toward him and than he felt something cold and hard hit his stomach.

“Is that you Steve?” said a voice. “Can you help with this ladder?”

“Daniel?” said Steve softly.

“Of course it me who did you think it was the boogie man or something. Now help me with this ladder,” said Daniel.

The metal ladder had hit Steve in the stomach. Daniel had been carrying it in his arm and didn’t see Steve until it made contact. Steve grabbed the ladder from Daniel and put it up against the wall.

“So what are we doing already?” Steve asked.

“Oh nothing special,” said Daniel. “Just put on these gloves and follow me.”

Daniel and Steve worked through the night setting up the prank. It was 5:30 a.m. before they were finished and stole back to their rooms to get one last hour of sleep before chaos consumed the school.

Daniel woke up to the sound of voices in the hallway and feet running. It seems like everyone had found out what they had done. Daniel slowly got up got dressed, combed his hair and brushed his teeth ate breakfast and then walked to his first class with a huge smile on his face.

“Good morning ma’am,” said Daniel cheerfully.

“And what is so good about it?” his first period teacher shot back. “I’m sure you had something to do with this.”

Daniel than looked up at the ceiling and gazed at his handiwork.

Every single desk chair and table was hanging from the ceiling. It was like someone had turned all the rooms upside down. It was like standing on the ceiling and looking down at a classroom.

“I’d never do something like this,” said Daniel. “Besides I’m only one person. How would I be able to do all of this in one night?”

A voice blared over the intercom.

“Daniel Smyth report to the headmasters office at once,” said the voice.

Without a word Daniel still with a smile on his face walked down to the headmaster’s office and right through Mr. Hedge’s door.

“I think you know why you are here Daniel,” said Mr. Hedges.

“No I don’t but aren’t you going to offer me a seat?” said Daniel with a giant grin on his face.

Like the rest of the classrooms Mr. Hedges ceiling was a mirror image of his former office.

“Be quiet. You know what this means Daniel,” said Mr. Hedges. “You are going to take everything down by yourself and than you are going to report to the field to dig the holes for the new baseball dugouts. Now do you think this little joke was worth it?”

Daniel stood there silent still grinning.

“Well do you?!” yelled Mr. Hedges.

Daniel took one more look around and then stared Mr. Hedges square in the eye.
